Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Letter 2/26/45

Happy New Year!

2014 is here, which means, we're fast approaching the 69th anniversary of these letters being written.  Yes, you read that right...69 years ago!!  Yikes!

I hope your New Year's celebrations were fun, and safe, and most of all relaxing.  Since I have a little time to spare, I thought I'd upload the next letter from my grandfather for your reading pleasure.  I mean, nothing says Happy New Year like nerding out on some WWII letters, amiright?

This is one of my favorite letters because my grandpa admits that he's been getting mail from some women while he's away.  It's funny for a granddaughter to think of her grandpa having an active dating life, but there you have it, I guess he did.  The fun continues a few letters later, and I won't ruin the surprise, but I'd be lying if I didn't admit I'm dying to know who "Kay" is and whatever happened to her...

Have a great day!  And a great year!

Mr. A Kumasaka
287 Main St.
Keansburg N.J.

T/5 A. Kumasaka
Hq Btry 863 FA Bn
APO 410 c/o PM
N.Y. N.Y.

23 Feb 45
"Somewhere on the Alsatian Sector"
Dear Folks,

I received your letter of the 4th the other day.  I still haven't decided whether air mail is faster than V-mail, be-cause both seem to have periods of delay.  To compare things further, I saw a letter today which was sent from Chicago by regular mail on Feb 12 -- 11 days is fast time even for air mail.  One thing I have observed, though, is that one day we'll get a bunch of V mail and another day we'll get only air mail, so it might be wise to use both types.

I received a Valentine from Kay the other day.  She writes that she hasn't heard from me lately.  I hope my letters are reaching her by now, for I have written her a couple of times.

I had a treat a couple of days ago.  We went to see a movie in another town on our time off.  Saw GI newsreels, sports reel, cartoon and a classic "Z" picture which you pro-bably never heard of: "Swing Out the Blues with the Vagabonds".  As this is the first pictures I saw since I [unintelligible] this place, it goes without saying that I enjoyed it

You know, there's nothing like traveling to see how the other side of the world lives.  Take this place, for example, the people are very hard workers, they strive constantly to keep their homes clean.  However, they keep their animals (cows, etc) in a barn which is built into the house.  In front of the house, one finds a neat pile of dirty straw from the barn.  How they can stand it, especially in the summer, I don't know.

So much for now.  I'm in good health and hope all of you are too.

Love, Archie

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